Write for Us

Techyden.com is a blog for reading quality content related to windows, Android, and the latest technology updates. I take care of all the content here, and at the same time, I also let Technology Guest Bloggers show their talent and write a guest posts on the blog. The purpose is to help other bloggers to reach out to a new audience base and share more quality content from industry experts. Write to us, we accept tech and IT-related guest posts on almost all topics. Just to mention, a post under any of the following categories is appreciated!

Free only for Bloggers. Content writers / Marketers / Promoters / Advertisers and all others will be charged. Accordingly, each article that they want to be published on this blog. But we provide only “no-follow” attribute for external links.

Write For Us on Categories:

  • Gadgets and its Security (Articles on Internet Security, Privacy, and best list)
  • Windows Tips and Tutorials (How-to Guides for Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7. Microsoft Office 2007 and its alternatives)
  • Blogging (Blogging Tips, WordPress tips & tutorials, Social media tips, SEO, Blog Monetization methods, etc.)
  • Reviews (Website Reviews / IT companies,  latest/popular gadgets like Smartphones and Apple Products)
  • Apps and Software (Android Apps and PC software)
  • Computer tips and tutorials: PC troubleshooting tips, Data recovery tips, and much more

Guest Blogging Guidelines:

Few things to remember before submitting your guest post:

  • Credit: Techyden.com respects individual work and if your idea is derivative of someone else work, feel free to give credit. The same goes for images that you use on your post. To ensure your article gets published, write a very original piece, which is written specifically for Techyden.com audience.
  • Article Quality: The article should be a minimum of 700 to 1000 words and should cover the topic in detail. Incomplete details are like half-cooked food, and no one would love such articles. I take quality as one of the major conditions of accepting guest posts. 
  • Screenshot + Video: Images speak a thousand words. Add images to convey your message; don’t add them just for it. If writing tutorials, take your screenshot. If writing conversational topics, use Flickr to find lively and related images. If you are a video blogger, you can submit your video to the YouTube channel. Just create a video, and drop me an Email, and I will tell you how to submit videos. Provide at least 2 images (preferred 600×250 or 250×250) and an authority link to the thing (product/website/software) you are talking about (if applicable). 
  • No Affiliate link: Please do not add any affiliate links in articles. 
  • Self-promotion: We have already added a byline and your profile will be visible below your post. So don’t add anything for self-promotion or promoting paid service. 
  • Copyright: We respect everyone’s work. In case, we found out that you have copied a post from somewhere. This will lead to an instant ban and removal of all your blog posts, and profile from Techyden.com. Also by submitting a post to Techyden.com, you give us the copyright ownership of the post. This helps us to deal with any kind of DMCA-related issues.
  • Comment: Comments are the conversation and when your article is published. Try to answer any query related to your article via comments. This will give you more exposure and help readers. 
  • Fresh & Genuine Articles Only: The guest post that you submit should be 100% your own work, and not to be copied from other sites or another writer. The guest post must never be published anywhere on the Internet.

Benefits of Guest Blogging

Guest blogging benefits you in the following ways.

  • Link to your website and social profile (Optional).
  • Exposure to a new and targeted audience.
  • Benefit from our search engine ranking and organic traffic.

Fee for “Advertisement” Guest Posts

If you’re submitting a guest post on behalf of a business (ie. your article is about your business or the do-follow links point to a business), there’s a small fee for publishing such articles.

The details of Paid Articles:

  • 500 to 700 words article will be charged $80
  • 700 to 1000 words article will be charged $120
  • 1000 to 1500 words article will be charged $150
  • More than 1500 words of article will be charged $200

To publish Video tutorials on the TechyDen YouTube channel

  • Below 1-minute Video – $50
  • 1 to 5 minutes video – $80
  • 5 to 15 minutes Video – $100
  • More than 15 minutes Video – $200

Send Your Article(s): If you have successfully completed your article then please email it to us for review.

How to submit a guest post?

If you have read and understood all the above-mentioned guidelines, you can submit the article directly. I have made the process of submitting your guest post very simple, and if you have worked with WordPress, you can simply head over to the registration page, and create an account to submit your guest article.

If you are not familiar with WordPress, you can Email us the article in MS Word format at [email protected]. Attach images separately in Zip format.

Submitting your guest post via dashboard will ensure faster approval. If you want to discuss the topic before submitting it, you can always email me at the above link.

In case you have any queries regarding guest posting at Techyden.com, – Contact me with this form
