Online Technology Courses – Opportunity to Learn and Earn From Home

Online Technology Courses – Opportunity to Learn and Earn From Home

In today’s world, technology is at the forefront, shaping human lifestyles to be increasingly reliant on its advancements. It has simplified life and enhanced comfort, yet it’s undeniable that reliance online technology courses has led to a decline in practical skills. Technology has woven itself into the fabric of daily life, finding applications across all fields.

online technology courses 2020
  • What is the best course to study online?
  • What are the online classes for information technology?
  • Which universities are offering online courses in technology education?

These are the common questions that are rising in every student and teacher.

We cannot imagine the present and the future of human life without technology. Online technology courses are getting more popular day by day, as these courses are free or available for a nominal fee. These online technology courses are very comfortable and convenient to learn and earn from the comfort of your home. Of course, thousands of online computer and IT courses for beginners are available as free courses online. But regular online classes are very important. Before going to this, read the Internet in Education Advancement.

Free online technology courses are available without registration or payment. However, the courses offered by some reputed universities do not give credit scores. If the students need a credit score or a certificate, they have to pay a small fee to the universities that are giving them out. To learn online, these are the good sources we listed here.

Universities Offering Online Technology Courses

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

MIT’s OpenCourseWare program is an excellent collection of archived courses.

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming

This program uses handouts, slides, and lecture videos to teach students the basics of programming. However, the students need to be updated on the Python programming language and the IDLE interpreter to receive and follow the instructions.

Computer System Engineering

Computer System Engineering at MIT consists of video lectures, projects, assignments, and exams. Students can learn about virtual memory, encryption and security, software and hardware engineering, and networks.

The database, Internet, and Systems Integration Technologies

This program provides students with skills in software development, system integration, system security, data modeling and database management, and application development. Students can also use the facility of taking course examinations online for practice.

Practical Information Technology Management

This Programme is on information about technology logistics, information technology project management, and managing information technology in businesses.

Information Technology Essentials

This program is in Hardware and operating systems, electric commerce, networks and computer security, and software development.

2. The University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkely offers free online courses related to Computer Science and Online technology. The University offers the following courses in Computer Science

  • Designing Software Systems
  • Project Management and Programming

This course has a series of recorded lectures of a One-hour duration. These recorded lectures are also available on YouTube.

3. Harvard University

Harvard University offers various combinations of free online degree courses and regular on-campus classes. This Programme provides topics in Computer Science like Javascript, source code, computer security.

The students can learn through lectures, problems, and other resources. This course provides quizzes with answers to students for knowledge and better HTTP and HTML. Cybersecurity courses are more popular courses.

These courses are offered at this University as “Cybersecurity: Managing Risk in the Information Age Online Short Course.”

4. University of California, Davis

The University of California, located at Davis, offers online technology courses. It can download these course materials from its website.

Unix and Linux Tutorial Center-course materials supply the students with resources on recursion and signals, C programming, Unix process management, and bits and bytes.

5. University of Michigan

The University of Michigan offers global students and teachers the opportunity to share educational resources and research methodologies among themselves. The information is available on the university’s website. and on iTunes U.

Universality’s Introduction to Information Studies effort supplies the students with lectures and handouts. These Material resources consist of information on computer and network architecture, computer Hardware, intellectual property rights, etc.

6. Carnegie Mellon University

The Open Learning Initiative of Carnegie Mellon University provides free access to its online library. The University’s program on Principles of Computing provides students with the basic concepts of computer science. In this program, students will gain knowledge of binary representation, recursion, and data representation.

7. Microsoft Virtual Academy

Microsoft is the pioneer in the information technology industry, headed by Bill Gates. It is a place that Microsoft set up to give advanced training in a wide range of online technology topics and insider information.

  • Python and Flask: Python and Flask help learn the fundamental concepts of constructing a Website.
  • JavaScript for Professionals: This goes into advanced matters like asynchronous operation, inheritance, and object creation.

8. Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology offers courses online for free through its several Schools. This Institution is a reputed university with the best record for its well-developed technology and science programs.

  • Advanced Operating Systems: topics include cell phones, cloud computing, parallel system a distributed systems, and cloud computing.
  • Computer Networking: This program stresses content distribution, data center networking, and content software-defined networking.

9. The Open University

The courses of the Open University are offered through iTunes U are free of cost, and these courses cover various and vast areas of academics.

ICT and Computing: This course introduces information and communication technologies. The students can learn about cell phone microprocessors and massive internet servers.


This learning platform collects course materials from different universities and academic bodies and streamlines them into a single site for easy and quick access.

Introduction of Cloud Computing: This course Provides an entry-level knowledge of this topic. The students can learn the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing.

Fundamentals of Network Security: This course gives basic knowledge of encryption and data protection. The students can learn access control and key systems, firewalls, and certification authorities.

Conclusion for the Article – Online Technology Courses

The Internet is a boon to human life. We are enjoying the benefits of the Internet in all fields of life. Online technology courses are a great opportunity for students and learners.

Through these online technology courses, students can learn a lot about information technology and other fields that are related to it. Students who want to utilize their time more effectively can register for these courses. These courses do not require much time and money.

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